Thursday, 18 April 2013

As Perfection Goes

     It isn't that liberation or 0neness is perfect, it isn't - certainly not from a personal perspective. Liberation is the realisation that all there is is what is unfolding as this. 'This' might well be physically uncomfortable, even painful, however . . . 0ne simply is - regardless of conditions, events and circumstances. Now, something quite astonishing happens when 0ne is simply unfolding as this because what unfolds as this is non-problematic.

Non-problematic, what does that mean? It means that when one is simply being this, then what unfolds as this is seen to simply be what is, and therefore it is exactly as it is meant to be - how else could it be? When an event unfolds as this, and one does not perceive it to be a problem, but simply a singular event, then what unfolds next contains within it the solution to the previous event. Astounding, isn't it, to think that problems are only a perception? The person, or individualised personality, sees each event as personal. An event 'happens' to me, the person, and I take it on-board as my event; and that is personal attachment; what unfolds next for the person is a whole chain of problematic events created by a miss-perception of a singular event . . .

Seeing an event as a problem makes it so!

Being-0neness-Presence, call it what you will - the label isn't the thing - simply is, therefore when an event unfolds 0neness does not attach itself to that event, and as what is is unfolding within the unfolding, what unfolds is the solution required. It really is that simple. The complexity, the one and only problem, is personal attachment.

At work I deal with what could be perceived as problematic situations and people, events and circumstances all day long, but actually for 0ne there is no problem - just people and events unfolding, and 0ne finds solutions simply present themselves as the unfolding of what is; and that is how 0ne is. Sometimes solutions unfold very quickly and at other times they unfold more slowly, but always as and when they are required.

    Being is what is, and when 0ne simply is the unfolding of what is then what unfolds within what is contains the solution to whatever has previously come to pass as this. That sounds pretty miraculous, right? And it is: Being is non-problematic, and therefore it is the solution that eradicates problematic living.

Liberation is freedom from Individuated Personality and thus problematic thinking and problematic living, and liberation is Being-0neness-Presence; total freedom from the ignorance of individuated personality . . .

. . . and as perfection goes that's pretty Perfect as is.

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