Sunday, 30 December 2012

Tomorrow Looming

     New Years Eve - tomorrow - just thought I'd mention it - well someone had to, isn't it? It is. And so I have. I haven't written anything creative for ages, actually, thinking about it, I haven't written for ages.

Working at certainly took it out of me. Hm, well actually - not getting enough sleep took it out of me whilst working there. I enjoyed working there, the people were great, the banter was fun, and the money so much more than useful. It made Christmas . . . Christmas - we had food, drink and gifts! I know, shocking - isn't it?

So, we've had Christmas and on the imminent horizon - New Year. What next?

Do I really have to consider making New Years Resolutions? I mean, really dude? Hm, well here's my take on the whole shabang . . . 

It's not that things can't get better, obviously they can - or worse - or indifferent - or - anyway, they can, but what is real doesn't change. And what is real? I would say there is only one reality as such and that is being, for want of a better word/description. Okay, what is another description for being? The Moment? Perhaps . . . 

This moment is being what it is. Therefore this moment is being in action - and it is already pretty much perfect. Soooo - what is the imperfection? The person. The person, and the personal (fear, doubt, worry etc) is the imperfection that interferes with the perfection of simply being this moment....

Too heavy a Topic for this time of year? Yes? Well simply reach for a Marathon or Mars bar instead! 

You'll nougat change my sense of humour -
Hazel says I'm Nuts for Chocolate!

Monday, 17 December 2012

Humour - me?

     One thing I've come to realise recently is that I have a wicked sense of humour, who'd have thought it? I used to think it was just something that flowed through me when writing, as it so often has done over the last few years on platforms such as facebook and twitter - but when I met PJ my sense of humour beguiled her, that and my eleven inch penis - okay, it's really only eight inches - but since working at find me a gift it has hit me like a cushion just how much I make others laugh, and they've even made comment, which is quite amazing to me.

I've always been such a shy guy, quirky for sure, but funny haha? I'd think funny stuff but never utter it in case - just in case - it wasn't funny enough; not any more. Now I find myself being moi, and loving it! Sometimes I'm a bit crude in a Frankie Boyle sorta way and the next moment I'm all dark and depressive with a Jack Dee-eskish disposition.

Anyway, hey, look, I'm just saying, ya'know? Funnier things haven't happened . . . well not to me, and not in a fecking long time! At last I feel like the real Doug Mac is here and enjoying life once more...

Here We Go . . .

     First post in my personal journal - yes, here we go - this is it. Personal? At times yes I'll write about personal issues, and at other times I'll write about whatever stirs me. Have I said enough for now? Probably . . .

However, let me add that I have just worked fourteen days with only one day off, and I have really enjoyed the experience, even if the work has been mostly mundane . . . hey, it's Christmas work, when it ends I'm back to square one, unless of course something comes up.

If you don't know who I am and what I do for a living then let me fill you in - I'm a taxidermist . . .

Only kidding! I'm not a taxidermist and therefore I'll not be filling you in so to speak! I grew up as a youngster in the world of gardening - my father worked in that sphere, and so does my brother, whom is ten years my senior. I grew up with skills I never knew I had - consequently I became a Civil Servant for seven years. Then I got into sales, followed by Marketing and Distribution Management and Team Management until . . . I realised that I was chasing footsteps . . .

. . . and I returned, kicking and screaming, to gardening once more. How did that happen? It was the movement of life - and I do enjoy myself out there, but at this time of year there isn't much work for me to do in the UK - hence the warehouse work I've been doing. Tomorrow I go to London to work with my brother - he's 64 now - and on Wednesday it's back to the Warehouse until the moment they tell me my services are no longer required - so be it.

Me in Gardening Mode

Look it's almost Christmas, and at least I'll have a few quid in me pocket so that I can enjoy it, and New Year, with PJ - who is out tonight! By the way, Oodles of Noodles is on the settee next to me - I have a photo of her, would you like to see it? I took it just a couple of days back as she basked in the Glory of her Victory in 'The Battle for the Stairs' - Arnold prefers the bed anyway. So be it!

Yours in a kinda deludedly surreal way,

Doug McMillan.

Hi, my name is Oodles of Noodles
and I have
The Stairs Factor!
ps - I'm sitting here drinking a glass of Merlot, make that two glasses? I don't mind if I do! Dinner I have just cooked and eaten whilst writing this first post - bacon, egg and chips! Not the healthiest combo, but hey, delicssss....